I made some nice progress
I like how the cut areas printed but I did have to recut areas on his forehead to make sure they weren’t inked. There were a few spots that still would collect ink but it was a vast improvement over my initial work.
I’m really happy with the consistency and clarity of these images. For these I printed the grey first and let them dry for a week before printing the black on top. This edition will be 15 print. I did have a couple that I discarded because they deviated too much from my desired image. The main problem I had was over- inking- you could see how the excess black ink squished out from under the linoleum and create blurred and double lines. It was both subtle and obvious.
The registration tabs worked like a charm however.
Graphic Design Challenge:
Recreate a design from a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy
This was the image I was provided. It’s a patch that was sewn onto a uniform. I was tasked with recreating this image and prepping it onto a silkscreen so it could be screen printed.
Here is the final image. The main problem I had was deciding how to handle the talons. The source image really didn’t give me much to go from so I researched other Aviation and bird imagery and tried to decide what would work best in this context.